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Has KWILS helped you? Please share what worked well, and what we can do bet­ter, to help all Kather­ine & Big Rivers women to access jus­tice, safe­ty and equity.

KWILS Client Survey

KWILS acknowl­edges all Nations across the Big Rivers Region, as the Tra­di­tion­al Own­ers of the Coun­try we live and work on. 

We acknowl­edge the con­tin­u­ing con­nec­tion held across our Region to land, water, lan­guage, law and lore. 

We par­tic­u­lar­ly cel­e­brate the strength of the women who have cared for their chil­dren, fam­i­lies, and coun­try for count­less gen­er­a­tions, and con­tin­ue to do so. 

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