Creating Change

Community Legal Education

Pro­vid­ing sup­port to a per­son expe­ri­enc­ing trau­mat­ic, com­plex, and inter­re­lat­ed legal, health, social and finan­cial prob­lems can be challenging.

It can also be dif­fi­cult to iden­ti­fy what a person’s legal needs are when there are many issues in play. 

Com­mu­ni­ty Legal Edu­ca­tion, and a strong work­ing rela­tion­ship with a legal ser­vice, can assist in the ear­ly inter­ven­tion and pre­ven­tion of legal problems.

We hold free Com­mu­ni­ty Legal Edu­ca­tion ses­sions for staff, com­mu­ni­ties mem­bers, or ser­vice users in Kather­ine, Indige­nous com­mu­ni­ties and oth­er remote loca­tions. Our ses­sion top­ics range from domes­tic vio­lence, child pro­tec­tion, fam­i­ly law, manda­to­ry report­ing leg­is­la­tion, and cred­it and debt issues. We can tai­lor our CLE ses­sions to your spe­cif­ic require­ments, to make sure that the ses­sions are as help­ful and rel­e­vant to every­one as possible.

If you would like to talk to KWILS about free Com­mu­ni­ty Legal Edu­ca­tion ses­sions, please con­tact us on info@​kwils.​com.​au.

Knowl­edge Base

KWILS has devel­oped an online knowl­edge base plat­form to pro­vide legal infor­ma­tion to ser­vice providers in the Kather­ine and Big Rivers Region. If you are a com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice provider, or oth­er organisation/​service, which would ben­e­fit from access to this free knowl­edge base, please con­tact us on info@​kwils.​com.​au.