Get involved

Working with KWILS

Cur­rent Opportunities

KWILS is grow­ing and so are look­ing for lots of roles, including:

- Solic­i­tors

- Sup­port & Connections 

- Para­le­gals

- Admin­is­tra­tion

- And much more

If you are inter­est­ed in work­ing with KWILS, please feel free to con­tact our CEO on Hannah.​george@​kwils.​com.​au at any time to express your inter­est and con­nect with KWILS


We wel­come interns and Prac­ti­cal Legal Train­ing (PLT) place­ments at KWILS!

Please con­tact our CEO Han­nah on Hannah.​george@​kwils.​com.​au to dis­cuss further.


If you would like to vol­un­teer your time and skills with KWILS, please con­tact our CEO Han­nah on to dis­cuss further.

Thank you very much for your inter­est in work­ing with KWILS. Our staff is made up of lawyers, para­le­gals, sup­port work­ers, project offi­cers, and admin­is­tra­tive support.

Cur­rent Opportunities:

Keep a look­out for when this page is updat­ed for job oppo­tu­ni­ties. Oth­er­wise, send us an expres­sion of inter­est to info@​kwils.​com.​au.

Won­der­ing about life in Katherine?