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Get involved
Become a KWILS Member
As a not for profit Community Legal Centre, a passionate and diverse membership base is key.
By joining KWILS you will be part of a dynamic group of women, supporting gender equity in Katherine, the Big Rivers Region, the Northern Territory, and beyond.
Individual Membership
KWILS Ordinary Membership and Associate Membership is open to:
- all adult women and non-binary people who permanently reside in the NT; and
- who support KWILS’ objects and purposes.
Organisational Membership
Organisations which support KWILS’ object and purposes can apply for Associate Membership of KWILS.
Joining KWILS as a member is free.
Members’ only commitment is to attend the KWILS’ Annual General Meeting and any Special Meetings that may arise during your membership.
Of course, if you would like to be more involved, for example by supporting KWILS events through attendance or volunteering, we would love that!
If you are interested in joining as a member, please email our CEO Hannah on, or complete the membership application here.
If you want to be part of the KWILS Management Committee, the governing group of KWILS, and setting and monitoring the strategic direction of KWILS, please email CEO Hannah on or see here.
KWILS Members at 2022 AGM. Back Row L‑R: Ushani Loku Arumage, Tracey John, Siobhan Mackay, Jacinta Mooney, Sandy Talbot, Narisha Watson, Kaitlin Fitzpatrick, Simone Norris, Page McMillan, Sunaina Parsons, Jaimee Anderson, Anna Smith, and bebe Coen. Front Row L‑R: Nisha Pun, Jo Nicol, Sarah Loewy, and Steph Stewart