Get help

Kather­ine Women’s Infor­ma­tion and Legal Ser­vice (KWILS) is a spe­cial­ist women’s legal ser­vice for women, by women. We are work­ing for a future where women and their chil­dren are safe, liv­ing with dig­ni­ty and respect.

Our aim is to make sure that all women in Kather­ine and the Big Rivers Region have access to jus­tice through free and pro­fes­sion­al legal services. 

KWILS deliv­ers spe­cial­ist ser­vices to women, par­tic­u­lar­ly those who face addi­tion­al bar­ri­ers for rea­sons includ­ing race, cul­ture, remote­ness, dis­abil­i­ty, lan­guage, pover­ty, age and sexuality.

The first step can feel the hard­est, but we want you to know that you don’t have to do it on your own. 

Talk­ing to us does not mean that you must start a legal process. We are here if you need some infor­ma­tion to help you decide what to do next and once you have the infor­ma­tion, it’s your choice what to do next. 

We can con­nect you with the right ser­vices and work with you as you nav­i­gate your options. We can also help you with safe­ty plan­ning, so you can stay safe into the future.

You can make an appoint­ment here, come to the KWILS office, call us on 1800 620 108, or email us on info@​kwils.​com.​au.