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In our Community
Remote Court, Outreach Services, and Travel
The Big Rivers Region spans more than 346,000 km², with Katherine a service centre for legal services, health, education, Government services, and more for over 21,000 people.
There are many communities, outstations, townships, and stations across the Big Rivers Region.
Some of the communities are: Amanbidji (Kildirk), Barunga (Bamyili), Beswick (Wugularr), Binjari, Borroloola, Bulla, Bulman, Dagaragu, Jilkminggan, Kalkarindji, Kybrook Farm, Lajamanu (Hooker Creek), Lingara, Manyallaluk (Eva Valley), Ngukurr (Roper), Numbulwar, Pigeon Hole (Nitjpurru), Robinson River, Timber Creek, Urapunga, Weemol, Werenbun, and Yarralin.
There are also four town camps around Katherine: Jodetluk (Gorge Camp), Kalano (Myali Brumby), Rockhole, and Warlpiri Camp (Geyulkgan Ngurra).
KWILS also works with women from Pine Creek, Mataranka, Daly Waters, Larrimah, and RAAF Base Tindal.
For more information about the Big Rivers Region, and other areas of the NT, see BushTel.
To find help across a range of areas in your community, see NT Community.
Upcoming travel plans
KWILS travels to some Remote Circuit Courts (Bush Courts), and communities and towns outside of Court. We aren’t able to travel at the moment due to staffing, however we will let you know when we are back on the road.
If you would like KWILS to visit your community, please contact us at
If you want to know when Court is next coming to your community, check the Katherine Remote Circuit Court Calendar here.